Sunday, 11 October 2009

Sunday 11th October 2009 - 10,000 Buddhas

About noon on Sunday, a friend called and invited me to go and see the 10,000 Buddhas monastary with him in Sha Tin. Since I had very little other plans, other than to sort my life out, and since it is one of the must - see's in Hong Kong, I happily took the opportunity of procrastinating to see more of the city.

It was a rainy sunday afternoon by the time we arrived at Sha tin and embarked on the steep and kind of scary path leading all the way up to the monastary! Scary because lining the path on both sides are many golden buddhas all different shapes, sizes , and facial expressions. Some had children crawling all over them, some were holding different implements, some were leaning rather precariously in to the path, some were sitting etc. It was quite fun to see them lining this windy path all the way up.

Once you reached the top, the temple itself was incredible. Inside the walls were covered from floor to ceiling in identical golden buddhas which each had a small light below it. It was quite a sight. The good thing about the temple and the surroundings being so high up is that it was very serene and peacdeful, being out of earshot and away from the bustle of sunday shoppers! and the noise of cars. Testamemnt to the peaceful way of life up here, we spotted some monkeys in the trees nearby who were so close to us! One hopped off the trees and on to the path right behind me to go and join another couple of monkeys, actually they looked more like gibbons or baboons to me (although I really am not sure!) across the path ! I could not believe that they were so close by and totally unfenced in and free to wander round as they pleased. They were unaffected by having people close by and shows the serenity of the place and the peaceful nature of the visitors and the monks who frequent the site. It was so nice to see!

As we wandered round seeing more painted and elaborate buddhas, the weather actually reminded me on an autumnal day in Britain, with the clouds, and the rain and the cars with thier lights on as we looked down over Sha Tin! Apart from the heat, and the scenery (being surrounded by woods and a buddhist monastary!) it could have been home! (I know its a stretch but rain adds a bit of diversity to the weather here, and I get a bit too excited!)

It was amazing to see this monastary and was a lovely way to spend a rainy sunday afternoon! Definitely worth a trip for anyone visiting Hong Kong! And, in true Buddhist style, there is a veggie restuaurant up there too ... although I have to say we decided on the decidely un-spiritual trip to McDonalds and Starbucks when we got back to Sha Tin, where Lucy, Hayley and I ended up being approached by some Chinese girls to have our photo taken with them ... I always appear to be looking particularly wet and bedraggled when these photos with randomers occur, although maybe its for the comedy value of how bad I look ...?! horrible thought!

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